Alicia Austin
Source: "Alicia Austin Bibliography." Author Wars, http://localhost:9999/authorwars-go/authorwars-www/authors/alicia-austin.html".
Cover Art
- 1969. Wotta World, #1 1969
- 1970. Science Fiction Review, August 1970
- 1970. Locus, #67 November 12, 1970
- 1971. SF Published in 1969
- 1971. Science Fiction Review, March 1971
- 1971. Locus, #86 June 18, 1971
- 1971. Locus, #92 July 30, 1971
- 1972. Echoes from an Iron Harp
- 1975. A Witch Shall Be Born
- 1977. Black God's Shadow
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams
- 1978. The Fourth World Fantasy Program Book
- 1980. I Love a Parade
- 1980. The Last Castle
- 1980. The Illustrated Night Before Christmas
- 1981. Durandal
- 1981. The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1981
- 1981. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
- 1981. The Last Defender of Camelot
- 1981. Scarlet Dream
- 1982. The Adventure of Cobbler's Rune
- 1982. The Missing Heart
- 1982. The Unhappy Princess
- 1982. The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, March 1982
- 1983. Quicks Around the Zodiac: A Farce
- 1983. The Sea of the Ravens
- 1983. In the Beginning
- 1983. The Red Hawk
- 1983. Solomon Leviathan's Nine Hundred and Thirty-First Trip Around the World
- 1988. Solomon Leviathan's Nine Hundred and Thirty-First Trip Around the World
- 1991. The Edges of Things
- 1992. Alicia Austin's Fur Magic Portfolio
- 1992. Fur Magic
- 1993. Bridging the Galaxies
- 1993. The ConFrancisco Souvenir Book
- 1994. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy, Winter 1994
- 1997. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy, Summer 1997
- 2007. Cat's Paw
- 2011. Bradamant's Quest
- 1969. Letter to Science Fiction Review, October 1969
- 1974. Alicia Austin
- 1978. Afterword (Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams)
Interior Art
- 1969. Locus #45
- 1970. "Come my queen, take hands with me. Now thou and I are new in amity."
- 1970. Science Fiction Review, February 1970
- 1970. Hijack
- 1970. Hijack [2]
- 1970. Key to the Highway
- 1970. Locus #70
- 1970. Locus #70 [2]
- 1970. Locus #70 [3]
- 1971. The Mask of Circe
- 1971. Universe 1
- 1971. Science Fiction Review, March 1971
- 1971. The Science Fiction Review Memorial Art Portfolio
- 1971. The Science Fiction Review Memorial Art Portfolio
- 1971. New Worlds of Fantasy #3
- 1972. "Feach Air Muir Lionadhi Gealach Buidhe Mar Or"
- 1972. A Lady's Chamber
- 1972. A Song of the Legions
- 1972. Age Comes to Rabelais
- 1972. Belshazzar
- 1972. Dreams of Ninevah
- 1972. Earth-Born
- 1972. Reuben's Brethren
- 1972. Slumber
- 1972. The Howard Review, October 2008
- 1972. The Howard Review, October 2008 [2]
- 1972. The Lion of Tiberias
- 1972. Timur Lang
- 1972. Universe 2
- 1972. Short Scrolls (Amra V2n56, June 1972)
- 1972. And This Year's Nomineess
- 1972. In Memoriam (L.A.Con Program Book)
- 1972. Index to Advertisers
- 1972. L.A.Con Program Book (colophon)
- 1972. L.A.Con Program Book (contents)
- 1972. L.A.Con: 30th World Science Fiction Convention (badge)
- 1972. Membership (L.A.Con Program Book)
- 1972. Program (L.A.Con Program Book)
- 1972. The Business Meeting (L.A.Con Program Book)
- 1973. Caught in the Organ Draft
- 1973. Barbarossa
- 1973. Crash Cameron and the Slime Beast
- 1973. Experiment
- 1973. A Special Kind of a Flower
- 1973. Max
- 1973. Dark, Dark Were the Tunnels
- 1973. Dark, Dark Were the Tunnels [2]
- 1973. Dark, Dark Were the Tunnels [3]
- 1973. No Bands Playing, No Flags Flying
- 1973. The Questers
- 1974. The Hannes Bok Memorial Showcase of Fantasy Art
- 1974. And No Potatoes
- 1974. One Little Room an Everywhere
- 1974. Night Watch
- 1974. Televerite
- 1974. In the House of Double Minds
- 1974. Of Love, Free Will and Grey Squirrels on a Summer Evening
- 1974. Time of Need
- 1974. Barsoom Confidential
- 1974. Tallwalker
- 1974. Don't Touch That Dial
- 1974. The Law of the Conservation of Pain
- 1975. A Witch Shall Be Born
- 1975. And One Made of Air
- 1975. Long Ago from Visby
- 1975. Glass Beads
- 1975. The Eyes of the Blind
- 1975. In Fear of K
- 1975. In Fear of K [2]
- 1975. The Signing of Tulip
- 1975. The Signing of Tulip [2]
- 1975. A Kitten for Elinor
- 1975. A Patch of Heaven
- 1976. Njal, for Fire
- 1976. Sharyer
- 1977. Chacal #2 (Jirel Meets Magic)
- 1977. Black God's Shadow
- 1978. Program Book, World Fantasy Con 1978
- 1978. A Feast of Rejoicing
- 1978. A Night at LASFS
- 1978. Age of Dreams
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams (contents)
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams (title page)
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams [2]
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams [3]
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams [4]
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams [5]
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams [6]
- 1978. An Elfish Couple
- 1978. An Evening's Incantation
- 1978. Beauty
- 1978. Beauty and the Beast
- 1978. Between Engagements
- 1978. By Lalique Out of Faberge
- 1978. Christmas Card Design
- 1978. Circe
- 1978. Cockatrice, Griffins, and Wyverns — Oh My!
- 1978. Cover Design (Apidistra)
- 1978. Cover Design (Science Fiction Review)
- 1978. Crusader Nametag
- 1978. Daystar, the Son of Morning
- 1978. Dragon Nametag
- 1978. Dragon Nametag [2]
- 1978. Dressed in a Gown of Sedaline and Gold
- 1978. Flirtation at Bullsgate
- 1978. Genghis Khan
- 1978. George Barr Christmas Card
- 1978. Great Golden Bird of Prey
- 1978. Griffin Nametag
- 1978. Gryphon
- 1978. Gryphon Sejant
- 1978. Heading (Black God's Kiss)
- 1978. Heading (Black God's Shadow)
- 1978. Heading (Hellsgarde)
- 1978. Heading (Jirel Meets Magic)
- 1978. Heading (The Dark Land)
- 1978. Hellsgarde
- 1978. Illustration (from a Jack Williamson story)
- 1978. Illustration from "The Witchstone"
- 1978. Invocation Nametag
- 1978. Jepense
- 1978. Jim Thomas Christmas Card
- 1978. Landscape with Moonlight
- 1978. Lilith
- 1978. Medieval Is the Message
- 1978. Mount the Wind
- 1978. My Lady Nametag
- 1978. Nametag
- 1978. Not Everyone Can Ride a Unicorn
- 1978. Oh, Hear the Horns of Elfland Blowing...
- 1978. Pegasus
- 1978. Perfumes of Araby
- 1978. Pharaoh's Enemy
- 1978. Pied Piper and the Burgers of Hamlin
- 1978. Please, Milady, I Ask a Boon of Thee
- 1978. Proud of My Broken Heart
- 1978. Sail On, Oh Silver Ship
- 1978. Samurai Archer
- 1978. Saturnalia
- 1978. Sharyar
- 1978. Small Vulcan with Cat Nametag
- 1978. Small Vulcan with Cat Nametag [2]
- 1978. St. George and the Sea Dragon
- 1978. The Battle of the Gates of Forever
- 1978. The Faery Knight Battles the Ebon Dragon
- 1978. The Florentine Nametag
- 1978. The Fox Warrior
- 1978. The Gift of a Sword
- 1978. The Herald
- 1978. The Hippocampus
- 1978. The Huntress
- 1978. The Ice Dragon
- 1978. The Jack of Diamonds
- 1978. The Jester Nametag
- 1978. The Kiss
- 1978. The Knave of Hearts
- 1978. The Land of Crooked Lightning
- 1978. The Last of a Proud House
- 1978. The Leave-Taking
- 1978. The Monkey King
- 1978. The Mother of the Stars
- 1978. The Queen Takes All
- 1978. The Reception Committee
- 1978. Things That Go Bump in the Night
- 1978. Warrior
- 1978. We Are Not Amused
- 1978. We Can Make You
- 1978. Winged Lover
- 1978. Wizard Nametag
- 1979. Frogs and Scientists
- 1979. Frogs and Scientists [2]
- 1979. Liquid Assets
- 1979. Liquid Assets [2]
- 1979. Liquid Assets [3]
- 1979. Liquid Assets [4]
- 1979. Liquid Assets [5]
- 1979. Liquid Assets [6]
- 1979. Feathered Pigs
- 1979. Feathered Pigs [2]
- 1979. The Demon of Scattery
- 1980. I Love a Parade
- 1980. A Dragon in the Man
- 1980. A Dragon in the Man [2]
- 1980. Voices from the Dust
- 1980. Voices from the Dust [2]
- 1980. Voices from the Dust [3]
- 1980. Voices from the Dust [4]
- 1980. Voices from the Dust [5]
- 1980. Voorloper
- 1980. The Ice Dragon
- 1980. The Last Castle
- 1980. The Night Before Christmas
- 1981. Durandal
- 1981. Nirwana
- 1981. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
- 1981. The Last Defender of Camelot
- 1981. The Magic May Return
- 1981. In Memoriam
- 1981. Masquerade
- 1981. Contact
- 1981. Contact [2]
- 1981. Project Purple
- 1981. The Vampire of Mallworld
- 1981. Raving Lunacy
- 1981. The Nosepickers of Dawr
- 1981. The Passing
- 1981. Tradeground Eyes
- 1981. Scarlet Dream
- 1981. The Firebird Suite
- 1981. Tree of Life
- 1981. Up Yours, Federico
- 1981. The Loom of Thessaly
- 1982. The Adventure of Cobbler's Rune
- 1982. Small Magic
- 1982. Special Theme Issue: Heroines and Heroes
- 1982. The Scepter of the Despot Ronin
- 1982. World Fantasy Convention '82
- 1982. But I Don't Do Dragons
- 1983. Heerser van de nacht
- 1983. Quicks Around the Zodiac: A Farce
- 1983. The Sea of the Ravens
- 1983. Rita the Swallow-Woman
- 1983. Artist Profile: Alicia Austin
- 1983. In the Beginning
- 1983. "Tete a Tete"
- 1983. The Red Hawk
- 1983. Solomon Leviathan's Nine Hundred and Thirty-First Trip Around the World
- 1984. An Evil Ruse That Came to Naught
- 1984. Chaos Incarnate
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [10]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [11]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [12]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [13]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [14]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [15]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [16]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [18]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [2]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [3]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [4]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [5]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [6]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [7]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [8]
- 1984. Haunter of the Birch Forest [9]
- 1984. Lands Behind Enchantment's Veil
- 1984. Legends of Valor
- 1984. Legends of Valor [2]
- 1984. Legends of Valor [3]
- 1984. Legends of Valor [4]
- 1984. Masters of Forbidden Arts
- 1984. The Secret Suitor
- 1984. The Secret Suitor [2]
- 1984. The Secret Suitor [3]
- 1984. The Terror of Kiev
- 1984. The Terror of Kiev [2]
- 1984. The Terror of Kiev [3]
- 1984. More Magic
- 1984. A Night at the LASFS
- 1984. L.A.Con I Logo
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [10]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [11]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [12]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [13]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [14]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [2]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [3]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [4]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [5]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [6]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [7]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [8]
- 1985. A Doomed Alliance of Earth and Water [9]
- 1985. Deliverance from Magic's Coils
- 1985. Deliverance from Magic's Coils [2]
- 1985. Deliverance from Magic's Coils [3]
- 1985. Deliverance from Magic's Coils [4]
- 1985. Deliverance from Magic's Coils [5]
- 1985. Double-Edged Power
- 1985. Double-Edged Power [2]
- 1985. Double-Edged Power [3]
- 1985. Double-Edged Power [4]
- 1985. Double-Edged Power [5]
- 1985. Double-Edged Power [6]
- 1985. Double-Edged Power [7]
- 1985. Giants and Ogres
- 1985. Giants and Ogres [2]
- 1985. Giants and Ogres [3]
- 1985. Giants and Ogres [4]
- 1985. Magical Beasts
- 1985. Magical Beasts [2]
- 1985. Magical Beasts [3]
- 1985. Magical Beasts [4]
- 1985. Night of Revelry and Savage Sacrifice
- 1985. Spells and Bindings
- 1985. Spells and Bindings [2]
- 1985. Spells and Bindings [3]
- 1985. Spells and Bindings [4]
- 1985. The Night Workers
- 1985. The Night Workers [2]
- 1985. The Night Workers [3]
- 1985. The Night Workers [4]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [10]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [2]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [3]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [4]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [5]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [6]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [7]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [8]
- 1985. The Tests of the Green Knight [9]
- 1985. Vestiges of the Elder Days
- 1985. Vestiges of the Elder Days [2]
- 1985. Water Spirits
- 1985. Water Spirits [2]
- 1985. Water Spirits [3]
- 1985. Water Spirits [4]
- 1985. Webs of Enchantment
- 1985. Webs of Enchantment [2]
- 1985. Webs of Enchantment [3]
- 1985. Webs of Enchantment [4]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [10]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [11]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [12]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [13]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [14]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [15]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [16]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [17]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [18]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [2]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [3]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [4]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [5]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [6]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [7]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [8]
- 1986. A Slave Maiden's Eye for Evil [9]
- 1986. Arthur
- 1986. Arthur [2]
- 1986. Arthur [3]
- 1986. Arthur [4]
- 1986. Gawain
- 1986. Gawain [2]
- 1986. Gawain [3]
- 1986. Gawain [4]
- 1986. Gawain [5]
- 1986. Gawain [6]
- 1986. Guinevere
- 1986. Guinevere [2]
- 1986. Guinevere [3]
- 1986. Guinevere [4]
- 1986. Guinevere [5]
- 1986. Guinevere [6]
- 1986. Guinevere [7]
- 1986. Guinevere [8]
- 1986. Lancelot
- 1986. Lancelot [2]
- 1986. Lancelot [3]
- 1986. Lancelot [4]
- 1986. Lancelot [5]
- 1986. Lancelot [6]
- 1986. Mordred
- 1986. Mordred [10]
- 1986. Mordred [2]
- 1986. Mordred [3]
- 1986. Mordred [4]
- 1986. Mordred [5]
- 1986. Mordred [6]
- 1986. Mordred [7]
- 1986. Mordred [8]
- 1986. Mordred [9]
- 1986. Morgan
- 1986. Morgan [2]
- 1986. Morgan [3]
- 1986. Morgan [4]
- 1986. Morgan [5]
- 1986. Morgan [6]
- 1986. Morgan [7]
- 1986. Morgan [8]
- 1986. Morgan [9]
- 1986. Morgause
- 1986. Morgause [2]
- 1986. Morgause [3]
- 1986. Morgause [4]
- 1986. Morgause [5]
- 1986. Morgause [6]
- 1986. Seekers and Saviors
- 1986. Seekers and Saviors [2]
- 1986. Seekers and Saviors [3]
- 1986. Seekers and Saviors [4]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [10]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [11]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [12]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [13]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [14]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [2]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [3]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [4]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [5]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [6]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [7]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [8]
- 1986. Summoning the Sun [9]
- 1986. The Eternal Moment
- 1986. The Eternal Moment [2]
- 1986. The Eternal Moment [3]
- 1986. The Eternal Moment [4]
- 1986. The Eternal Moment [5]
- 1986. The Eternal Moment [6]
- 1986. The Eternal Moment [7]
- 1986. The Eternal Moment [8]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [10]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [11]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [12]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [13]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [14]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [2]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [3]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [4]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [5]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [6]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [7]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [8]
- 1986. The Heart of Darkness [9]
- 1986. The Light Triumphant
- 1986. The Light Triumphant [2]
- 1986. The Light Triumphant [3]
- 1986. The Light Triumphant [4]
- 1986. The Light Triumphant [5]
- 1986. The Light Triumphant [6]
- 1986. Oneindig moment: Informatie over Tanith Lee (interiorart)
- 1988. Mistaking the Dragon Mage
- 1988. Mistaking the Dragon Mage [2]
- 1988. The Lady, The Wizard, & The Thing
- 1988. The Lady, The Wizard, & The Thing [2]
- 1988. The Lady, The Wizard, & The Thing [3]
- 1989. Cat Fishin'
- 1991. The Edges of Things
- 1991. New Development
- 1992. Bearers of the Pipe
- 1992. Broken Claw
- 1992. Changer Challenged
- 1992. Cory
- 1992. Eagle's Bargain
- 1992. Forest of Stones
- 1992. Fur Magic
- 1992. Raven's Sing
- 1992. Scatting with the Hot Lixx
- 1992. Shaping of Shapes
- 1992. Strong Medicine
- 1992. War Party Captive
- 1993. Glasswings
- 1993. Glasswings [2]
- 1993. Reading Time in the Library
- 1993. Alicia Austin
- 1993. Artists' List (The ConFrancisco Souvenir Book)
- 1993. Bridging the Galaxies
- 1993. Hugo Nominees 1993
- 1993. The Hugo Award Winners (The ConFrancisco Souvenir Book)
- 1993. The Hugo Award Winners (The ConFrancisco Souvenir Book) [2]
- 1994. The Look-Out
- 1994. Story Time at the Library
- 1996. Neko's Dance
- 1996. Neko's Dance [2]
- 1996. Neko's Dance [3]
- 1996. Neko's Dance [4]
- 1996. Neko's Dance [5]
- 1996. Raven
- 1996. Raven [2]
- 1996. Raven [3]
- 1996. Raven [4]
- 1996. Raven [5]
- 1997. The Knife That Makes Men
- 1997. The Knife That Makes Men [2]
- 1997. The Knife That Makes Men [3]
- 1997. The Knife That Makes Men [4]
- 1997. The Knife That Makes Men [5]
- 1997. The Knife That Makes Men [6]
- 1998. Animal Carnival
- 1998. Tiger, Tiger
- 1999. Master Felis
- 2014. Belly Dancer
- 2014. Masques
- 2014. Ratshoman
- 2014. The Scouts
- 1978. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams
- 1980. I Love a Parade
- 1981. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
- 1992. Alicia Austin's Fur Magic Portfolio
- 1979. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams
- 1979. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams
- 1979. Alicia Austin's Age of Dreams
- 1979. Alicia Austen's Age of Dreams
- 1981. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
- 1979. Age of Dreams - Locus Poll Award, Best Art or Illustrated Book (Nomination)
- 1993. Fur Magic - Chesley Award, Best Interior Illustration (Nomination)